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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Home Learning Challenge - Week One

Wow weeeee people! What a very groovy start to the beginning of the term and the challenges these people have completed.

Paula Bertham - She pitched a tent on ANZAC Day, took photos along the way and wrote a procedure about how to make it 'fail proof.' Nice to see Johnathon in the photo - more than likey the quality control man.

Izzy Awesome - she uploaded some photos onto her blog of her and TJ eeling. They even ate the eel they had hunted. Smoked eel is one of my favourites so when I saw her home learning my eyes were wide open.

Jack Shore - he wrote a letter to his hero, Travis Pastrana, a famous motocross rider. Jack put a lot of thought into his letter and when I read it, it sounded genuine and honest.

Daniel Harvey - he also pitched a tent. Daniel was clear in his book about the three stages of home learning and he included enough detail so I could really understand and follow his thoughts - Planning/Prep, Execution, Progress Report.

Josie Dean - wow! She got her dad to help her with an oil change. he walked her through but then she was responsible for doing it. Josie went the extra mile with her home learning and researched diagrams on the internet, wrote step by step instructions and had the most detail I have ever read. Clever lady - when shall I book my car in?

I can't wait until next Friday to see what people have been up to during week 2!

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