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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"This week I done pe shed without being asked." JC

"My week has gone good because i got to do the blog by my self". CM

"This week i was brave when i tried what miss martain taugth us".GB

"So far i ve had my pencil ready before school ". JO

"This week i was really brave and i said my intro in front of the whole class."(crise to the challenge). KB

"this week i was extremely brave and confident and shared my brilliant intro for my speech in front of of the whole class".(rise to the challenge). ST

"This week i finnish my fantabulise speech". RD

"Confident in ms matins done lesons" .MT

"This week we had mavement skills with melisa martin we learnt to walk and we had to try and get the marshamello of are knees it was extreamly hard". MP

"I was confident when reading my intro of my speech". HD

"This week we learnt how to tackle saty i was very scrared but i was confortint and trid very hard to do it right". AB

"We did movment skills with melissa martain and we played follow the learder .when it was my turn it was my turn i was so scrared but i had a try". JF

"I have completed my introduction for my speech and have sterted my body". EB

"Confident in the rugby practice we didit on the middle feild". JW

"It was a brillant week and i was brave to play my plano assembly". NA

"This week we had miss martin who was our movement teacher. i tried to show confidence when i was ilearning new skills ".BMC

"This week i thougth i did a very cool impromtcue speech on how to become a millionare i felt confident". IS

"I think with goal this week was one handeld as good as i thought i diden t finish it" . KMB

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